About Us
Who We Are
Since leaving school in 1985 Jonathan has worked within the antiques/restoration business continuously…….never thinking there could be a greener field elsewhere career wise.
This time has been predominantly focussed on the restoration and french polishing side of the trade however he has always retained the love of unearthing the forgotten gems.
Most days Jonathan is accompanied by his faithful, Cockerpoo antiques hound, Willoughby. If not on the road, in an auction house or gossiping with fellow dealers both can be found pottering in the workshop.
Last but not least is Sarah who constantly sees a steady stream of antiques come and go, who never knows which side table she will find (or not find) at home and who’s most often turn of phrase is “I’m sure when I left this morning the picture in the dining room was a mirror!

A few words about
Jonathan left school.
Jonathan wins several stately homes restoration contracts based on his magical french polishing techniques!
Jonathan starts to buy and sell antiques – his absolute passion.
Jonathan married Sarah. Ahhh 🙂
Jonathan launches this new website to showcase and sell his range of beautiful antiques and to promote some of his french polishing and restoration work.